Atikokan Ontario : Cub Pack, about 1956/7.

Atikokan Ontario : Cub pack, about 1956/7.

Cub leader Tom Wilkins is in the center, in uniform. Rev. Greg Armstrong, Anglican minister, is in the background. I can't identify anyone else. The photo was taken in the basement of the Church of the Good Shepherd.

Atikokan Ontario : Cub pack, about 1956/7.

This must be the same event as in the photo above. Margaret Dobie is in the audience at the left, with her head below the window.
The cubs are identified so far as follows:
Back, L - R: Wayne Tefs, Jimmy McInnes, possibly Kris Knutsen, John Zuefle, possibly Dean Hirshfeldt, Doug Newman.
Front, L - R: Ron Hamilton, possibly Terry Dennis, Teddy O'Kroneg, Eddie Kennedy.

Many thanks to Sheldon McRann for the above names.

Atikokan Ontario : Cub pack, about 1956/7.

An unidentified cub leader is left of center, in uniform. Rev. Greg Armstrong, Anglican minister, is in the background. Same event as the two photos above.

Can you provide names, corrections or comments?