At The Atikokan Progress, about 1956

Arthur Meighen Reykdal (1922-1982) was an Icelander, born and raised in Lundar, Manitoba. He lived mostly on cigarettes and beer. He was noisy, profane, and extremely funny. He used to drive the editor, Bob Clarke, to distraction, and eventually he wasn't allowed to typeset anything even remotely to do with religion (he usually made changes, several of which put noses out of joint all over town). He was distainful of preachers, pomposity and any form of authority. Needless to say, we kids who folded papers at the Progress, worshipped him. But Art's most scathing criticisms were directed at himself -- his self-published autobiography was titled "Autobiograhy of a Damn Fool", the same as his hero Mark Twain's unfinished autobiography. I've located at least three copies of it (one is in the University of Manitoba's Icelandic collection) so it hasn't been completely lost.

Art Reykdal, linotype operator, Atikokan Progress, about 1956.

Art Reykdal either proofreading or writing a diatribe against something or other.

Art Reykdal, linotype operator, Atikokan Progress, about 1956.

Art Reykdal operating a linotype. Unfortunately the photo was taken without a flash.

Art Reykdal, linotype operator, Atikokan Progress, about 1956.

Again, no flash.

Photographs by Charles Dobie.

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