Atikokan Ontaio : High School Hockey Players, about 1958/9

Atikokan High School, Lynn Booth, Pat Reid playing hockey during PT class, about 1958/9.

Lynn Booth and Patrick Reid chase the puck during PT class.

Atikokan High School, hockey game, about 1958/9.

Cameron McLeod is chasing the puck. Unknown at right.

Atikokan High School, hockey game, about 1958/9.

Ralph Carlson.

Atikokan High School, hockey game, about 1958/9.

Who is this?

Atikokan High School, hockey game, about 1958/9.

Cameron McLeod at right. I think that's Ken Danard in the centre background.

Atikokan High School, hockey game, about 1958/9.

Left to right: Ken Danard, Patrick Reid, Ed Redshaw, Cameron McLeod.

Atikokan High School, hockey game, about 1958/9.

Left to right: Fred Berry (background), unknown, teacher (name unknown), Cameron McLeod, Ralph Carlson (backgound).

Atikokan High School, hockey game, about 1958/9.

In back is Glenn Young, middle is unknown, teacher's name (right) is forgotten.

Atikokan High School, hockey game, about 1958/9.

In the middle is Wayne Ash, next to him is Ed Redshaw, foreground is unknown.

Photos by Charles Dobie.

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