Jim Adams
Anne Banys
Pat Barthelette
Sally Beliveau
Jim Berry
Roland Burnell
Randy Calder
Viviane Charland
Helen Crookes
James Falconer
Jim Goodfellow
Cordelia Gorrell
Gordon Gosselin
Richard Griffiths
James Hancock
Erin Harrison
Donald Peter Hegler
Helen Jeansonne
Larry Kopechanski
Doreen Kuiack
Sandra Kunzelman
Darlene Lillies
Keith Lusignan
Shirley Mitchell
Pat Neroda
Dianne O'Kroneg
Keith Pringnitz
Patrick Reeder
Ted Stewart
Sharon Tefs
Anna-Liza Tornblom
Alverne Veran
Georgia Vinkle
Arnold Wach
Francis Waugh
Lawrence Wiebe
Thanks to Susan Bryk for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
Can you provide corrections or comments?
Please email Charlie Dobie.