High School Jr. Boys' Basketball Team, 1964-65.
Shown are 10 students plus teacher Mr. Bishop.
Surnames: Enge, Gashinski, Kelly, Kivari, Lagendyk, McCuaig, Perrier, Peruniak, Prime, Wenstrom.
High School Curling Club, 1964-65.
Shown are 6 students plus teacher Mr. Lefebre. Surnames:
Buie, Heather, Icton, Larson, Muir, Wenstrom.
High School Drama Club, 1964-65.
Shown are 16 students plus two teachers, Mr. Pratt and Mr. Vodden. Surnames:
Banys, Beyer, Buie, Calder, Campbell, Cole, Dobie, Drobet,
Ivall, Jarvis, Lagendyk, McCuaig, McIntosh, McRann, Strand, Zuefle.
High School Electrical Club, 1964-65.
Shown are 15 students plus teacher, Mr. Zupancic. Surnames:
Adey, Cox, Desserre, Frolic, Hancock, Ibey, Lindsay, Lusignan, MacLeod,
Marsh, Nephin, Polnick, Simmons, Winoski, Youd.
High School Hockey Team, 1964-65.
Shown are 13 students plus teacher, Mr. Rheault. Surnames:
Alexa, Armit, Asselin, Calder, Frolic, Garrioch, Girard, Kopechanski, Lusignan, McInnis,
Thornsteinson, Zuefle.
High School House Captains, 1964-65.
Shown are seven students plus teacher, Mr. Kerr. Surnames:
Alexa, Baechler, Davidson, Johnson, Kopechanski, Oddliefson, Zabirka.
High School Matheletic Aggregate, 1964-65.
Shown are 16 students plus teacher, Mr. Park. Surnames:
Buie, Cole, Cossitt, Edmunds, Gilles, Hopkins, Icton, Kopechanski, Koroscil,
Lagendyk, Larson, McRann, O'Kroneg, Peacosh, Stewart.
High School Monitors, 1964-65.
Shown are 36 students plus teacher, Mr. Dave Cunningham. Surnames:
Adey, Advent, Alexa, Asselin, Baechler, Bailey, Bass, Baxter, Briggs, Buie, Covello, Danielson, Edmunds,
Gilles, Hagen, Hancock, Icton, Ivall, Jackson, Jewett, Kopechanski, Krys, Lang, MacGregor, McCuaig,
McIntosh, McRann, Muir, Mullner, O'Kroneg, Oddliefson, Simard, Summers, Syrja, Waldie.
High School Teachers' Yearbook Portraits, 1964-65.
Surnames: Aston, Batho, Bishop, Brennan, Briggs, Cooper, Cunningham, Kerr, Kurchina, Lefebvre, Leishman, Malecki,
Park, Peruniak, Pratt, Pringle, Rheault, Shaw, Smithers, Stamler, Vodden, White, Zupancic.
Hemlock School Soccer Champions, 1964.
Thanks to Susan Bryk and Richard Maddams for this photo
of 12 players. Four names are missing. Surnames so far:
Alexa, Anderson, Bruce, Maddams, Maki, Plant, Poelman, Pringle.