Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1968-69 : Grade 10(A)
The photo quality is poor because they were printed on heavily textured paper.
L - R:
Kim Bailey, Jim Boland, Don Bruce,
Richard Campbell, James Curtis.
L - R:
Leonard Devulder, Lyle Dunsmore, Ed Dustin.
L - R:
Brent Dyck, Gert Ehelebe, Elizabeth Gillies.
L - R:
Stephen Greene, John Hamilton, Janet Houston.
L - R:
Edwin Klimek, Ray Krukoski, Candy Lane.
L - R:
Marrilynn Lane, Cyprian Libera, Paul Liira.
L - R:
Terry Madill, Cal McDonald, Theresa Merchoff.
L - R:
Jack Olchowecki, Ed Podolaniuk, Candice Reid.
L - R:
Donna Roy, Norine Van Soest, Myron Yurkiw.
Missing: Cecil O'Flaherty.
Thanks to
for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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