The photo quality is poor because they were printed on heavily textured paper.
L - R: Nancy Asselin, Patty Berg, Bob Bigwood, Sandra Broomfield, Michael Brown.
L - R: Blair Campbell, Greta Chapman, Cathy Curtis.
L - R: Maurice Gagne, Patrick Gareau, Robert Hunter.
L - R: Jim Johnson, Randy Kelly, Eric Kristjanson.
L - R: Lana Leochko, Maria Libera, Bonnie Maki.
L - R: Pat O'Neill, Claudia Popowski, Stan Ringius.
L - R: Susan Rodger, Beverly Smitsnuk, Carol Stamler.
L - R: Karen Viita, Bruce Wenstrom, Delores Wicheruk, Ken Yurchuk.
Missing: Patricia O'Neill, Randall Price.
Thanks to for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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