Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1968-69 : Grade 12(B)
The photo quality is poor because they were printed on heavily textured paper.
L - R:
Sharon Brown, Bill Enge, Jerry Kaus, George Torbiak.
L - R:
Joerg Bartsch, Barbara Bruce,
Gloria Garrioch, Robert Knowles,
Arlene Usiski.
L - R:
Werner Bartsch, Kathy Burnett, Adele Gingras,
John Love, Susan Waranuk.
L - R:
Dale Brown, Susan Calder, Mark Jackson, Linda Presley.
Missing: Ruby Buie,
Leslie Gauthier, Alex MacIver,
Marilyn Ogden, Tim Tornblom.
Thanks to
for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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