Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1968-69 : Grade 13(A)
The photo quality is poor because they were printed on heavily textured paper.
L - R:
Joe Geurts, Gloria Kristjanson, Gail Summers.
L - R:
Dean Carson, Dan Harrison, Betty Maksymczak, Leonard Robinson.
L - R:
Brenda Dick, Gunther Herbert, Stuart McKay, Aaron Simmons.
L - R:
Edward Enge, Henry Kehler, Donald Morden, Larry Knowles.
L - R:
Margaret Toffan, Albert Walden, Debbie Wilson.
Missing: Uve Drews, Douglas Prime, Anne Stevens.
Thanks to
for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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