L - R: Lori Bailey, James Blunderfield, Blair Campbell.
L - R: Frank Covello, Wendy Currie, Michele Dennis, Mark Eriksson.
L - R: Anne Finch, Patrick Gareau, Lynn Gibson.
L - R: Heather Halliday, Twyla Haney, Marion Huntley, Debra Johnson.
L - R: Sandy Kalyn, Vicki Kelly, Randy Kivari.
L - R: Kasimir Kopec, Georgette Lane, Teresa Libera, Janice Livicker.
L - R: Janice Matichuk, Wendy Patzel, Patty Pochailo.
L - R: John Pringle, Peter Roehrig, Judi Simmons, Janith Stewart.
L - R: Valerie Wiens, Sheila Wilson, Barbara Wright.
Thanks to for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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