Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1970-71 : Eaton House #6.
Portraits and names were arranged by house rather than grade in 1970-71.
L - R:
Sharon Geurts, Robert Zandona, Norine Van Soest.
L - R:
Wayne McRae, Walter Dragan, Bruce Bayles.
L - R:
Greg Lind, Wendy Bruyere, Ron Krukoski.
L - R:
Grace Angus, Paul Seward, Murray McCuaig.
L - R:
Connie Patterson, Kelly McMahon, Debbie Ritchat.
L - R:
Hark Savinsky, Wendy Patzel.
Thanks to
for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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