Portraits and names were arranged by house rather than grade in 1970-71.
L - R: Randy Angus, Brenda Brockenshire, Diane Coulombe.
L - R: Susan Czapla, Mickey Desserre, Dale Gibson.
L - R: Carol Gosselin, Tim Kehler, Cindy Lambkin.
L - R: Gunter Maguhn, Kevin Marusyk, Tim McEvoy.
L - R: Barb Mitchell, Cam Mitchell, Carla Myketa.
L - R: Brenda Nault, Cheryl Olson, Mike Poelman.
L - R: Bob Schlingmann, Wayne Stamler, Brian Usiski.
L - R: Margaret Wicheruk, Danny Wright.
Thanks to for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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