High School, Basketball - Sr. Girls, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are 11 students plus teacher, Miss Zabirka.
Surnames: Barr, Devisscher, Kelly, Lisowecki, Pattyson, Perrier, Poirier, Roehrig,
Tennant, Thiel, Zabirka.
High School, Calisthenics, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are four students and two teachers, Mr. Lawson and Mr. Rheault.
Surnames: Chwist, Kelly, McTaggart, White.
High School, Curling - Boys, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are four students. Surnames: Clarke, Robertson, Roy.
High School, Football, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are 19 students plus three coaches, Steve Clarke, Gary Human, and Bob Nault.
Surnames: Anderson, Clement, Cox, Devisscher, Drobot, Dutka, Fraser, Gagne, Girouard, Kolton,
McLeod, Meany, Mitchell, Mrakic, Poirier, Race, Shine, Towle, Woods.
High School, Gymnastics - Girls, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are 17 students plus teacher, Miss Zabirka.
Surnames: Angus, Bigwood, Byczyk, Conway, Curtis, Dunnet, Kelly, Lahti, Lisowecki,
Maki, Manford, Marchuk, McNeil, Polnick, Richardson, Zygmunt.
High School, House Captains, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are 15 students. Surnames: Boileau, Bruce, Byczyk, Cox, Devisscher, Dixon, Lisowecki, McCuaig, Mitchell, Nault,
Pattyson, Poirier, Robertson, Zabirka.
High School Outers - Boys, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names. Shown are 42 students.
Surnames: Armstrong, Bainbridge, Beninger, Bilodeau, Braun, Carlson, Clement, Danco, Dickson, Dunnet, Durand,
Geurts, Groulx, Higgelke, Hoszowski, Hyatt, Kosola, Lamb, Larson, Lind, MacDonald, MacGregor, Mallard, McMullen, McNeill,
Morden, Mosley, Nault, O'Neill, Poelman, Reid, Reipas, Roy, Savinski, Strachan, Urbanowicz, Viita,
Walker, Warren, Wiens.
High School, Search and Rescue Team, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are 36 students.
Surnames: Baxter, Breakey, Bruce, Cain, Darrah, Devisscher, Drews, Fisk, Fraser, Girouard, Halasz, Hopkins, Kelly,
Larson, Leblanc, Lusignan, Maki, Manns, Marchuk, McTaggart, Metsala, Niro, Parsons, Pattyson, Perrier, Poirier,
Rex, Romanson, Stamler, Tennant, Thiel, White, Wilson, Zabirka, Zucchiatti.
High School, Student Council, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are 25 students.
Surnames: Advent, Brooks, Butler, Byczyk, Cain, Covello, Devisscher, Dutka, Girouard, Graham, Grayson, Humphries,
Kelly, Kristjanson, Lahti, Lambkin, Larson, Marchuk, McCuaig, Nephin, Race, Savinsky, Shine,
Van Dyk, Zucchiatti.
High School, Volleyball - Junior Boys, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are seven players plus coach Lionel Poirier.
Surnames: Covello, Devisscher, Kennedy, Mrakic, Robertson, Warencyia.
High School, Volleyball - Junior Girls, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to
Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are 14 students plus their coach, Miss Zabirka.
Surnames: Bigwood, Boileau, Byczyk, Dickson, Dixon, Lisowecki, Miller, Perrier, Tutkaluk,
Wenstrom, Wilkins, Winoski, Yurkiw, Zimmerman.
High School, Volleyball - Senior Boys, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are 14 students plus their coach, Mr. Human.
Surnames: Brasseur, Clarke, Dragan, Geurts, Hirschfeldt, Kalmi, Maki, Nault, Plant,
Robertson, Strachan, Youd.
High School, Grade 13 Yearbook Portraits, 1972-73.Two sets of photos. Shown also is a class photo with 23 students.
Five students are unidentified in the class photo.
Surnames so far: Antler, Beyer, Clarke, Covello, Cox, Danco, Drabik, Drobot, Dyhm, Finch, Halliday, Kelly,
Kivari, Libera, McCuaig, Nephin, Patzel, Patzell, Pochailo, Pringle, Ritchat, Roehrig, Tennant, Wright.
High School, Yearbook Committee, 1972-73
Thanks to Laurie (Kristjanson) Marshall for this photo and to Susan Bryk for the names.
Shown are 25 students. Surnames: Bailey, Byczyk, Calder, Cenerini, Christian, Cox, Larson, Manford, Marchuk, Marwick,
McCuaig, McMillin, McMullen, Pages, Perrier, Perron, Ritchat, Sander, Savinsky, Stone, Storey,
Warren, White, Wilson, Zygmunt.