Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1973-74 : Grade 10(E).
L - R:
Joanne Firth, Lorraine Friday, Dwayne Garuk.
L - R:
Sandra Gowriluk, James Hampton, Doug Herr.
L - R:
Karen Kelly, Darcy Matichuk, Maureen McManmon.
L - R:
Debi Morden, Susan Morris.
L - R:
Cecile Pages, Judy Peterson, Grant Pfeifer.
L - R:
Lynda Richardson, Monika Savinsky, Joanne Stanzell.
L - R:
Beatrix Thiel, Heather Thomas.
L - R:
Rebekka Tuusa, Sheila Wilson.
Val Boyda, Delores Gosselin,
Patti Lambkin.
Thanks to
for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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