Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1973-74 : Grade 10(F).
L - R:
Cynthia Advent, Murray Advent, Sandra Angus.
L - R:
Lise Booillette, Jocelyn Cenerini, Kim Degagne.
L - R:
Rick Dutka, Bruno Gasparotto, Rhea Hagen.
L - R:
Dorothy Jarvis, Dan McCormick.
L - R:
Brian McLeod, Dawn McMahon, Janice Pierce.
L - R:
Donna Price, Eileen Reid.
L - R:
Ken Reipas, Teresa Smith, Louise Tennant.
L - R:
Scott Tyndall, Christine Woods.
Thanks to
Susan Bryk for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
Can you provide corrections or comments?
Please email Charlie Dobie.