Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1974-75 : Grade 9(G).
L - R:
Lenore Baxter, Sabine Berg, William Cornell.
L - R:
Brian DeGagne, Don Desrochers, Alvina Faykes.
L - R:
Evan Fisk, Norman Henze, Allan Herber.
L - R:
Susan Jarvis, Scott Jones, Sherri Landon.
L - R:
Kitty Lemieux, Andrew Lindsay, Robert Mazurkewich.
L - R:
Dwayne McKay, Paul McMillan, Joan Miller.
L - R:
David Morrison, Julie Myrberg, Pierre Perron.
L - R:
Brenda Pierce, Herb Roehrig, Richard Roy.
L - R:
Dale Stewart, Barbara Vos, Sherri West.
L - R:
Kevin White, Michael Wozniak, Robert Zerebeski.
Missing: Carrie Coulson, Wendy Maw.
Thanks to
for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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