Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1975-76 : Grade 9(A).
L - R:
Michael Bourgeois, Leroy Cunningham, Rod Docking.
L - R:
Roger Giardino, Lorne Gushulak, Kim James.
L - R:
Shelly Labelle, Laura Leeson.
L - R:
Arthur Nephin, Michael Nish, Terry Robinson.
L - R:
Bonnie Snow, Neil Strom, Vernon Strom.
L - R:
Blair Vollans, Michael Young.
James Goranson, Robin Legaree, Bernie Mallard.
Thanks to
Susan Bryk for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
Can you provide corrections or comments?
Please email Charlie Dobie.