Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1977-78 : Grade 9(D).
L - R:
Cathy Beninger, Manuela Batovanja, Sheri Alexiuk.
L - R:
Tim Beyak, Janice Campbell, Karen Cole.
L - R:
Todd Desaulniers, Lesagh Duggan, Sandra Fillion.
L - R:
Cindy Gibson, Carey Haw, Chris Hickerson.
L - R:
Sherri Coulson, Leslee Hickerson, Linda Hill.
L - R:
Leon Hummel, Alan Krishka, Daniel Major.
L - R:
Karen Mazurkewich, Terri Moore, Jackie Nephin.
L - R:
Randy Olson, Janice Perozak, Leah Sanders.
L - R:
Tim Tuusa, Douglas Thorp, Jeff Wood.
Thanks to
for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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