This class was held under the auspices of Marks Street School but was physically located in Clark Street School.
Senior Kindergarten and Grades 1 & 2, 1977-1978. Teacher is Mrs. Vi Siblock.
Back Row, L - R: Noreen Wilkins,
Doug McNally,
Jason Lesack,
Mrs. Vi Siblock,
Freddie Cuthbert,
Cory Lavallee,
Leslie Desserre,
Wendy Hung.
Front Row, L - R: Kenny Moore,
Angel Calvelli,
Arthur Clark (behind),
Jackie Lambert,
Lisa Johnson,
Chris Collition,
Jenny Cuthbert,
Billy Cooper (behind),
Kari Miller (behind),
Anne Marie Stewart,
Shannon McLeod (behind),
Shawna Seigfried,
Rob Colvin (behind),
Derek Spicer.
Many thanks to for this photo.
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