Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1979-80 : Grade 10(B).
L - R:
Jack Bailey, Rob Botel, Norman Cenerini.
L - R:
Eugene Clairmont, Shelley Cunningham.
L - R:
Tim Farmer, Carole Gallinger, Lonnie Goodman.
L - R:
Kim Kichak, Lisa Morrison.
L - R:
Sherry Myrberg, Lori Rodger, Trisha Snider.
L - R:
Lenny Strom, Rose Thomas.
L - R:
Riccardo Verin, Darren Ward, Gary White.
L - R:
Troy Wierseman, Judy Zerebeski.
Bob Peacosh, Ben Strom, Sid Stus,
Jim Warren.
Thanks to
for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
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