Hemlock School, Junior Kindergarten, 1980-81 :
Was there a Junior Kindergarten at Hemlock that year?
If so, photo is needed. Please contact if you have one we can use.
Hemlock School, Sr. Kindergarten, 1980-81.
Shown are 17 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Enge.
Surnames: Baranowsky, Black, Bruyere, Dennis, Frenette, Gushulak, Happy, Ivall, Kadolph,
Lindsay, McCallum, McQuaker, Ogier, Pajamaki, Sveinbjornson, Treftlin, Vincent.
Hemlock School, Grade 1, 1980-81.
Shown are 12 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Maradyn.
Surnames: Baxter, Booth, Durbin, Frenette, Gallinger, Jones, Marwick, Mason, Pajamaki,
Rees, Roblin, Williams.
Hemlock School, Grade 2, 1980-81 :Photo is needed.
Please contact if you have one we can use.
Hemlock School, Grade 3, 1980-81.
Shown are 20 students plus their teachers, Mrs. Marr and Mrs. Patton.
Surnames: Angus, Barnard, Bauman, Beaulieu, Booth, Bryk, Cockerline, Cunningham, Elder, Foy,
Grumm, Lampi, Magnussen, Mercer, Ogier, Pastuck, Vinet, Zacharias.
Hemlock School, Grade 4, 1980-81.
Shown are 18 students plus their teacher, Mr. Hiebert.
Surnames: Anness, Armstrong, Boultbee, Grumm, Gushulak, Halwachs, Hrynuk, Kruger, Machura, Patton,
Prince, Skinner, Staines, Vincent, Walshe, Willett, Wilson.
Hemlock School, Grade 5, 1980-81.
Shown are 16 students plus their teachers, Mr. Hiebert and Mr. Livicker.
Surnames: Anness, Bingham, Boultbee, Burton, Campbell, Costello, Coulson, Dell, Fults,
Gushulak, Jones, Kehl, Lawson, McMillan, Wood.
Hemlock School, Grade 6, 1980-81.
Shown are 21 students plus their teachers, Mr. Brown and Mr. Livicker.
Surnames: Bauman, Bolen, Caldwell, Cross, Degagne, Goranson, Graves, Gushulak, Jerry, Johnson, Lawson,
Machura, Marchuk, Mason, McQuaker, Mercer, Mullner, Munro, Petkau, Shakespeare, Shannon.
Marks Street School, Grade 7, 1980-81.
Shown are three photos with a total of 62 students plus their teachers, Mrs. Money,
Mrs. Peterson, and Mr. Speck. Surnames:
Balonyk, Baronowski, Bates, Blair, Blanchard, Booth, Campbell, Chobotar, Clinker, Costello, Coulson, Davidson, Demchuk,
Desmeules, Drennan, Durand, Gallinger, Gosselin, Green, Halwachs, Haney, Hensrud, Hershey, Human, Jewell, Kadolph, Kaus,
Kehl, King, Kitzul, Loveday, Lowe, Magnussen, Matthews, McLean, McNally, Miyata, Mullner, Petkau, Pointer, Prince,
Reid, Riding, Roscoe, Rose, Sheppard, Simmons, Speck, Stewart, Sulkko, Swerda, Tozer, Tuomi, Warkentin, Wiersema, Wilkins,
Willett, Williams, Zimmerman.
Marks Street School, Grade 8, 1980-81.
Shown are two photos with a total of 53 students plus their teachers, Mr. Lamarche
and Mrs. Savoy. Surnames:
Alexander, Beaulieu, Booth, Burchat, Caldwell, Cenerini, Clinker, Colvin, Cornell, Davidson, Dell, Doran,
Doucette, Dufault, Dupuis, Enge, Genik, Georgeson, Gibson, Golding, Green, Gurney, Gustafson, Haney, Haw,
Johnson, Koroscil, Kutra, Leduchowski, Legarrie, Mason, McGowan, McNaughton, McOrmond, Risely, Roy, Ryynanen,
Sampson, Stewart, Strom, Thurier, Torbiak, Tribe, Tucker, Viddal, Williams, Wilson, Zajac, Zen.
Rawn Road School, Senior Kindergarten, 1980-81.
Shown are 18 students plus their teacher, Mrs. McFee.Three students are unidentified. Surnames so far:
Alcock, Bailey, Brigham, Cook, Desrochers, Gashinski, Gordon, Johnson,
Lacosse, Lambert, Loveday, McClendon, Miesner, Stevenson, Strom.
Rawn Road School, Grades 1 & 2, 1980-81.
Shown are 18 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Beyak.Three students are unidentified. Surnames so far:
Alcock, Baechler, Bainbridge, Cameron, Collition, Colvin, Cunningham, Davidson, Figas,
Galbraith, Guillet, Gushulak, Huber, Krasey, McLeod, Skrenski, Stirrett, Torbiak.
Rawn Road School, Grade 2, 1980-81.
Shown are 28 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Davidson.One student is unidentified. Surnames so far:
Alexiuk, Bebee, Bingham, Cenerini, Coulson, Cuthbert, Derkson, Desmeules, Enge, Faykes,
Garuk, Gosselin, Gushulak, Higgins, Kivari, Lafreniere, Lamarche, Nelson, Pangracs, Peterson, Poelman, Ranta,
Snider, Splawski, Squire, Stevenson, Strom.
Rawn Road School, Grade 3, 1980-81.
Shown are 27 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Waldie.Two students are unidentified. Surnames so far:
Baechler, Barnard, Brown, Calvelli, Collition, Colvin, Faykes, Figas, Griffiths, Gurney, Hayes,
Johnson, Kaus, Kraft, Kratky, Lewis, Loveday, Lowe, Marquardt, Morris, Nelson, Sharp, Sodtke, Spicer, Stewart.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Junior Kindergarten (P.M.), 1980-81 :Photo is needed.
Please contact if you have one we can use.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Senior Kindergarten (A.M.), 1980-81.
Shown are 21 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Boultbee.Two students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Bang, Brasseur, Caron, Chabot, Connolly, Duhamel, Girard, Gouliquer, Hamel, Hensrud, Jarvis,
Mattson, McCarthy, Mihalich, O'Flaherty, Olson, Provost, Spence, Thorson.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Senior Kindergarten (P.M.), 1980-81 :Photo is needed.
Please contact if you have one we can use.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grades 1 & 2, 1980-81.
Shown are three photos showing a total of 58 students plus their teachers,
Mrs. Bang, Mrs. Modeland, and Mrs. Morrison.Three students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Anderson, Backer, Bailey, Bednarski, Belisle, Botham, Cann, Casavant, Cook, Courtney, Craven, Cross, Danielson,
Desaulniers, Desjardins, Dubois, Eagles, Fiset, Gagne, Gamache, George, Kaartinen, Kitchen, Komaransky, Kowal, Krassey, Lafond,
MacKay, Makarenko, Martin, Metail, Morrissette, Myrberg, Nadeau, Nicholettes, Ostlund, Paquette, Penny, Pointer, Rees, Simons, Spilchuk,
St. Charles, Steele, Tremblay, Van Rooyen, Ward, Wright.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 1, 1980-81 :Photo is needed.
Please contact if you have one we can use.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 2, 1980-81 :Photo is needed.
Please contact if you have one we can use.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 3, 1980-81.
Shown are 25 students plus their teacher,
Miss Sanche.Three students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Bednarski, Bessette, Boutilier, Charbonneau, Connolly, Craven, Dubois, Gagnon, Gordon, Gouliquer, Hachey, Haney, Horychuk,
Juric, Kimberley, Larocque, Mattson, Metail, Mihalich, Muzyka, O'Flaherty, Sportak.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 3, 1980-81 :Photo is needed.
Please contact if you have one we can use.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 4, 1980-81.
Shown are 26 students plus their teacher,
Mrs. Cook.Six students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Bessette, Botham, Brasseur, Campbell, Caron, Charbonneau, Cross, Danielson, Hart, Jarvis, Kaartinen, Lafond, Larocque,
Majors, Matz, McEvoy, Meany, Roscoe, Snider, Sportak.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 4, 1980-81 :Photo is needed.
Please contact if you have one we can use.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 5, 1980-81.
Shown are two photos with a total of 38 students plus their teachers,
Mrs. Jura, and Mrs. Mocha.
Surnames: Bazinet, Bradshaw, Campbell, Carr, Danco, Desgroseilleurs, Gagne, Gardiman, Girard, Goodman, Goose, Gouliquer, Hachey, Hancock, Haney,
Jarvis, Krassey, Labelle, McEvoy, McInnis, McMullen, Mihalich, Nadeau, O'Flaherty, Ostlund, Pare, Rheault, Roscoe,
St. Charles, Tremblay, Ward, Warren, Wilmot, Wright.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 6, 1980-81.
Shown are 29 students plus their teacher,
Mr. Balla.This photo has been badly damaged -- do you have a better one?
Surnames: Anderson, Boutilier, Bradshaw, Charbonneau, DeGagne, Desaulniers, Desjardin, Ducharme, Eagles, Gagnon, Haney, Hart,
Kaartinen, Kitchak, Labelle, Leckner, McMullen, Olson, Paquette, Pederson, Pointer, Quinn, Robinson, Roscoe,
St. Charles, Strachan, Thorson, Warren, Wilmot, Wilson.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 6, 1980-81 :Photos of both Grade 6 classes are needed.
Please contact if you have any we can use.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 7, 1980-81.
Shown are 25 students plus their teacher, Mr. Chevallier.
Surnames: Angus, Baker, Bang, Belisle, Curtis, Desaulniers, Drewek, Foy, Gagne, Girard, Hachey, Hamel, Haney, Kolton, Leeson,
Morrissette, Parker, Perron, Sportak, Strachan, Thorson, Tremblay, Triskle, Verin.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 7, 1980-81 :Photo of the other Grade 7 class is needed.
Please contact if you have one we can use.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 8, 1980-81.
Shown are two classes with a total of 34 students plus their teachers,
Mr. Garofalo and Mr. Jarvis.
Surnames: Anderson, Boileau, Bradshaw, Carlson, Caron, Degagne, Desaulniers, Desgroseilliers, Desjardins, Douglass,
Goodman, Haney, Koros, Larson, Maccadanza, Meilleur, Mychasiw, Peterson, Sportak,
St. Charles,St. Pierre, Staines, Tremblay, Trottier,
van Rooyen, Ward, Warren, Wilmot, Wilson, Wright.
Saturn Avenue School, Jr. & Sr. Kindergarten, 1980-81.
Shown are three photos with a total of 40 students plus their teachers,
Miss Fraser and Mrs. Siblock.Eight students are unidentified. Surnames so far:
Angus, Babiak, Bailey, Bryk, Cryderman, Demchuk, Florek, Galusha, Gurney, Halverson, Hogan, Hyatt,
Johnson, Jones, Lind, Lusignan, Morrison, Pastuck, Pearce, Pelletier, Ritchat, Schram, Sinclair, Sodtke, Stewart, Stimson, Strand,
Treftlin, Vinet, Walker, White.
Saturn Avenue School, Grade 1, 1980-81.
Shown are 17 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Davidson.One student is unidentified. Surnames so far:
Anderson, Asselin, Blair, Boyko, Brown, Clark, Ekstrom, Goranson, Haw, James,
Manford, Masson, Russell, Thurier, Wass, Wright.
Saturn Avenue School, Grades 2 & 3, 1980-81.
Shown are 24 students plus their teachers, Mr. Ogden and Mrs. Siblock.One student is unidentified. Surnames so far:
Baker, Baranowski, Blair, Brigham, Bruyere, Doucette, Dupuis, Fjeldsted, Foshang, Halvorsen, Haw,
Johnson, Kabatay, Manford, Pearce, Pelletier, Ryynanen, Sawdo, Snowball, Stewart, Tuomi, Zacharias.
Saturn Avenue School, Grade 4, 1980-81.
Shown are 15 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Hickerson.
Surnames: Armstrong, Bailey, Baker, Boyko, Bruce, Bruyere, Ekstrom, Lesack, LeSage,
MacKay, Rydberg, Thurier, Veran, Walker.
Saturn Avenue School, Grade 5, 1980-81.
Shown are 25 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Rawlings.
Surnames: Anderson, Bailey, Baker, Baranowski, Belanger, Boyd, Bruce, Demchuk, Dickson, Ewald,
Hanssen, Haw, Hickerson, Kutra, Laquerre, Leishman, Manford, Masson, Michels, Mosbeck, Munro, Pointer,
Rydberg, Stewart.
Saturn Avenue School, Grade 6, 1980-81.
Shown are 17 students plus their teacher, Mr. Brown.
Surnames: Barker, Boyko, Brigham, Cox, Doucette, Golding, Kutra, LeSage, MacNaughton, Manford, McFee,
Michels, Mosbeck, Munro, Prince, Snowball, Switzer.