Grade 3, 1982-83. Teachers are Mrs. Shelly Jordbro and Mrs. Rose Mihalich (education assistant).
Back Row, L - R:
Mrs. Shelly Jordbro,
Kelly Eagles,
Gerben Olsthoorn,
Adam Makarenko,
Realle Frenette,
Gena van Rooyen,
Marianne Kaartinen,
Tracey Myrberg,
Victoria Rees,
Danny Gagne,
Trevis Penny,
Richard Tremblay,
Andre Morin,
Brian Kitchen,
Mrs. Rose Mihalich.
Front Row, L - R:
Daniel Tremblay (standing),
Clorissa Craven,
Kim Krassey,
Vicki Cann,
Marcia Bailey,
Kim Wright,
Delima-Dee Desjardin,
Josie Komaransky,
Pamela Ostlund,
Nicole Landgraff,
Kara Bednarski,
Kirsten Fournier,
Jeannette Fiset.
Do you have a photo of another Grade 3 from this year? Please contact if you have one we can use.
Many thanks to for this photo.
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