Grades 4 & 5, 1982-83. Teacher is Mrs. Marianne Duhamel.
Behind Back Row, L - R:
Mrs. Marianne Duhamel.
Back Row, L - R:
John Paul Muzyka,
Billy Belisle,
Gary Sportak,
Brad Boutilier,
Steve Dubois,
John Connolly,
Jon Mihalich,
Stefan Johnson,
Leif Leitner,
Kaz Bednarski,
Andre Gagnon.
Front Row, L - R:
Kevin Paquette,
Richard Lavertu,
Heather UNKNOWN,
Shelley Komaransky,
Therese Gouliquer,
Anita Bessette,
Jennifer Potan,
Jessica Fournier,
Nicole Gagne,
Diana Horychuk,
Terry Desaulniers,
Nicholas Cassavant.
Grade 5, 1982-83. Teachers are Mrs. April Girard and Mrs. Ellen Mocha.
Back Row, L - R:
Mrs. Ellen Mocha,
Darran O'Flaherty,
Sylvain Lavertu,
Paul Dale,
Paul Cross,
Deano Lafond,
Andrew Charbonneau,
Derek Bozek,
Trenton Snider,
Darryl Snowball,
Daniel Bessette,
Jason Mattson,
Lorne Belisle,
Mrs. April Girard.
Front Row, L - R:
Michelle Haney,
Natalie Evett,
Rae Lynn Larocque,
Sandra Larocque,
Becky Gulley,
Annie Berube,
Paulette Hachey,
Teresa Kimberley,
Lisa McEvoy,
Coreena Craven,
Paul Danielson.
Do you have a photo of another Grade 5 from this year? Please contact if you have one we can use.
Many thanks to for these photos.
Can you provide the missing name, corrections or comments?