Hemlock School, Junior Kindergarten, 1983-84.
Shown are 26 students plus their teachers, Mrs. Braun and Mrs. McFee.Three students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Anderson, Bain, Barnard, Baronowsky, Bates, Benjamin, Campagnolo, Docking, Dolph, Dragan,
Fraser, Freeman, Johnson, Kratky, Livicker, Main, McLeod, Pfeifer, Sharbot, Whalley.
Hemlock School, Senior Kindergarten, 1983-84.
Shown are 19 students plus their teachers, Mrs. Enge and Mrs. Rechlin.Six students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Bain, Baxter, Brouwer, Collins, Covello, Cunningham, Grumm, Gurnett,
Jones, Landry, Pierce, Sinclair, Wood.
Hemlock School, Grade 1, 1983-84.
Shown are 20 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Davidson.Three students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Armstrong, Awadia, Black, Chambers, Jones, Krukoski, Lafreniere, Lewis, Lindsay, Machura,
Mosley, Nash, Repo, Rissman, Skrenski, Sveinbjornson, Thorburn.
Hemlock School, Junior & Senior Kindergarten & Grade 1, 1983-84 :Photo(s) needed. Please contact
if you have one we can use.
Marks Street School, Grade 7, 1983-84.
Shown are two photos with a total of 61 students plus their teachers,
Mr. Morris and Mrs. Schmutzer.Two students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Alexiuk, Anness, Armstrong, Bailey, Baker, Beauregard, Bingham, Boultbee, Bozek, Brown, Bruyere, Clark, Cuthbert,
Davidson, Deon, Derkson, Dunn, Ekstrom, Forster, Freeman, Goodman, Grumm, Gushulak, Halwachs, Hayes, Horan, Howard, Hrynuk, Hunt,
James, King, Kruger, Lafond, Lafreniere, Lavallee, Lesack, Lessard, Machura, MacKay, McAllister, McNally, Perron, Prince, Rydberg,
Skinner, Skrenski, Stewart, Thurier, Towle, Veran, Vincent, Walshe, White, Willet, Wilson, Wright, Young.(Revised August 1, 2024)
Marks Street School, Grade 8, 1983-84.
Shown are three photos with a total of 71 students plus their teachers,
Mr. Lamarche, Mr. Morrisey, and Mr. Speck.One student is unidentified.
Surnames so far: Anness, Backstrom, Bailey, Baker, Beaudry, Bebee, Bingham, Blakely, Bock, Boultbee, Boyd,
Boyko, Campbell, Chobotar,
Costello, Coulson, Danard, Demchuk, Dufault, Dunning, Enge, Ewald, Ferguson, Figg, Fults, Galbraith, Gil, Goodman, Gushulak,
Gustafson, Hansson, Haw, Howells, Jerry, Jones, Kehl, Kraft, Kutra, Laquerre, Leishman, Lewis, Lockman, Manford, Masson,
McLeod, McNally, Michels, Miller, Mosbeck, Munro, Nguyen, Pastorius, Perron, Rissman, Rundle, Rydberg, Sherbert, Stewart,
Strom, Stus, Tannahill, Veran, Vos, White, Wilkins, Wood.
Rawn Road School, Grade 2, 1983-84.
Shown are 15 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Davidson.Two students are unidentified. Surnames so far:
Alcock, Butterfield, Cameron, Ellieff, Girouard, Gurney, Legaree, Lusignan, Morden,
Nguyen, Sodtke, Strom, Thompson.
Rawn Road School, Grade 3, 1983-84.
Shown are 18 students plus their teacher, Miss Fraser.Two students are unidentified. Surnames so far:
Bloomfield, Curtis, Desrochers, Gallinger, Harrison, Johnson, Knowles,
Lacosse, Lessard, Loveday, Lusignan, Meisner, Strand, Tetreault,
van Wageningen, Wilson.
Rawn Road School, Grade 4, 1983-84.
Shown are 20 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Bordynuik.One student is unidentified. Surnames so far:
Alcock, Baechler, Burbeck, Cameron, Collition, Colvin, Cunningham, Davidson, Durbin, Figas,
Guillet, Huber, Krasey, McLeod, Rees, Roblin, Skrenski, Stefaniuk, Stirrett.
Rawn Road School, Grade 5, 1983-84.
Shown are 32 students plus their teacher, Mr. Brown.
Surnames: Alexiuk, Baker, Bebee, Bingham, Butterfield, Cenerini, Coulson, Cunningham, Cuthbert,
Denhart, Derkson, Desmeules, Enge, Faykes, Figg, Galbraith, Garuk, Gosselin, Lamarche, Lessard, Marwick, Morden,
Nguyen, Pelletier, Peterson, Poelman, Splawski, Squire, Strom, Torbiak, Wright.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Junior Kindergarten, 1983-84.
Shown are two photos with a total of 34 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Doyle.Five students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Asselin, Botham, Brouillette, Bruyere, Chevalier, Cottingham, Cross, Desjardins, Dickson, Duffield, Duhamel,
Gascoigne, Girouard, Goodman, Gouliquer, Happy, Herbert, Kimberley, Laurin, Lee, Morden, O'Flaherty, Pruner,
Salata, Sinclair, Tindale, Treftlin, Wright, Zillman.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Senior Kindergarten, 1983-84.
Shown are two photos with a total of 47 students plus their teachers,
Miss Bedard and Mrs. Bujold.Eight students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Armstrong, Belley, Bruyere, Covello, Dale, David, Digby, Dube, Duffield, Durand, Everett/Gagne,
Fisk, Fogg, Frenette, Geurts, Gillies, Girouard, Gordon, Hamel, Haney, Hogan, Homer, James, Johnson, Landgraff, Larsen, Lind,
Martel, McCarthy, Morin, Neill, O'Beirn, Quinn, Ritchat, Robertson, Rodger, Spilchuk, Wright.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 1, 1983-84.
Shown are two photos with a total of 41 students plus their teachers,
Mrs. Bang and Mrs. Modeland.Two students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Anderson, Bang, Bednarski, Bottos, Brown, Bruyere, Cann, Canuel, Clark, Cook, Cottingham, Cross,
Dotchins, Duhamel, Dupuis, Durand, Fisk, Frenette, George, Gouliquer, Hamel, Happy, Hyatt, Kitchen, Lacoste, Lafond, Larocque,
Larson, Learning, Lind, Maccadanza, Marquardt, McKay, Pelletier, Schram, Sinclair, Walker.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 2, 1983-84.
Shown are two photos with a total of 40 students plus their teachers,
Mrs. Jordbro, Mrs. Mihalich, and Mrs. Morrison.
Surnames: Bailey, Bartsch, Brasseur, Brown, Bruce, Cann, Casavant, Chretien, Dhaliwal, Dickson, Doran, Doyle, Dubois,
Farr, Galusha, Gillies, Glisinski, Gordon, Haney, Hogan, Johnson, Krassey, Lee, Lockedy, Martin, Mihalich, Morin,
Penny, Provost, Ritchat, Schram, Steele, Thomas, Treftlin, Vinet, Walker, Ward.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grades 3, 3/4 & 4/5, 1983-84.
Shown are three photos with a total of 75 students plus their teachers,
Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Duhamel, Mrs. Larocque, and Miss Sanche.One student is unidentified. Surnames so far:
Asselin, Bailey, Bang, Bednarski, Bernatchez, Botham, Bottos, Brasseur, Cann, Caron, Casavant, Chabot, Connolly, Craven, Cross,
David, Desaulniers, Desjardins, Dotchin, Dube, Duhamel, Everett, Fiset, Fournier, Frenette, Gagne, Girard, Gosselin, Gouliquer,
Hamel, Hensrud, Hyatt, James, Jarvis, Kaartinen, Kitchen, Komaransky, Krassey, Lafond, Lambert, Landgraff, Lew,
MacKay, Makarenko, Mattson, McCarthy, McCormack, Mihalich, Miller, Morin, O'Flaherty, O'Leary, Olson, Ostlund, Payne, Penny, Pointer, Provost,
Rees, Spence, Spilchuk, Stevenson, Thorson, Treftlin, Tremblay, van Rooyen, Wright.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 6, 1983-84.
Shown are 29 students plus their teacher, Mr. Balla. Surnames:
Bednarski, Bessette, Boutilier, Charbonneau, Connolly, Craven, Cross, Evett, Gagnon, Gouliquer, Griffiths,
Hachey, Haney, Horychuk, Johnson, Kimberley, Larocque, Lavertu, Leitner, Metail, Mihalich, O'Flaherty,
Potan, Snowball, Sportak, Treftlin, Vinet.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grades 7, 7/8, & 8, 1983-84.
Shown are three photos with a total of 79 students plus their teachers, Mr. Chevalier, Mr. Durand,
and Mr. Jarvis.Two students are unidentified. Surnames so far:
Bazinet, Bessett, Botham, Bradshaw, Brasseur, Bruce, Campbell, Caron, Carr, Charbonneau, Dale, Danco, Danielson, Desgrosselliers,
Desmeules, Drake, Everett, Evett, Faubert, Gagne, Gardiman, Genereux, Girard, Goodman, Gouliquer, Griffiths, Hachey, Hancock, Haney, Hart,
Jarvis, Johnson, Kaartinen, Khan, Krassey, Labelle, Lafond, Larocque, Leitner, LeSage, MacKay, Major, McEvoy, McInnis, McMillan, McMullen,
Meany, Melanson, Mihalich, Miller, O'Flaherty, Olsthorn, Ostlund, Pare, Pfeifer, Pointer, Ranta, Rheault, Roscoe, Snider, Snowball,
Snyder, Sportak, St. Charles, Tremblay, Walker, Ward, Warren, Wright.