Hemlock School, Junior Kindergarten, 1988-89.
Shown are two photos with a total of 36 students plus their teacher, Mrs. McFee.Four students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Asselin, Barnard, Baxter, Braun, Brueggeman, Cain, Carlson, Carpenter, Chasty, Clark, Enge,
Fairservice, Greig, Groulx, Halwachs, Hart, Hutson, Lewis, MacDonald, Manns, Matichuk,
McCormick, Morden, Ogden, Palendat, Penner, Schlingmann, Tattrie, Thompson, Vollans.
Hemlock School, Senior Kindergarten, 1988-89.
Shown are two photos with a total of 39 students plus their teachers, Mrs. Brown
and Mrs. Enge.Two students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Asselin, Barnard, Barrett, Bates, Baxter, Brown, Carpenter, Dyhm, Fisk, Gallinger, Goodman, Hartnell,
Hayes, Hosick, Kroocmo, Larocque, Leochko, Main, Manns, Marchand, McCormick, McLeod, McMillan, Mitchell,
Mosley, Roy, Shannon, Spilchuk, Strom, Stus, Thorburn, Tribe, Wiens, Wilson, Zacharias, Zerebeski.
Hemlock School, Grade 1, 1988-89.
Shown are two photos with a total of 38 students plus their teachers, Mrs. Burton,
Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Rawlings, and Mrs. Van Dussen.Two students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Anderson, Baxter, Bjorkman, Blair, Boutillier, Caouette, Chester,
Chumway-Kehler, Clark, Cuthbert, Dragan,
Ecumates, Ehelebe, Fairservice, Fraser, Happy, Knowles, Krukoski, Labonte, Law, Leishman, Livicker, Mattson,
McEvoy, Morden, Ogden, Penner, Schlingmann, Siblock, Whalley, Wiens, Wilson, Wright.
Atikokan Junior High, Grade 7, 1988-89.
Shown are 20 students plus their teacher,
Mrs. Schmutzer. Surnames:
Angus, Ashbee, Baxter, Brown, Bryk, Cameron, Cryderman, Galusha, Hart, Lafond, Legaree, Lusignan,
Morden, Morrison, Sodtke, Thompson, Van Dusen, Walker, White, Williams.
Atikokan Junior High, Grade 7, 1988-89 :Second photo is needed. Please contact if you have one we can use.
Atikokan Junior High, Grade 8, 1988-89.
Shown are 23 students plus their teacher,
Mrs. Money. Surnames:
Bailey, Bruyere, Cunningham, Dennis, Desrochers, Dolph, Florek, Gashinski, Ivall, Johnson, Kadolph, Knowles,
Lacosse, Lessard, Loveday, McCallum, Miesner, Ogier, Sinclair, Strand, Vincent, Whitford, Wright.
Atikokan Junior High, Grade 8, 1988-89 :Second photo is needed. Please contact if you have one we can use.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Jr. & Sr. Kindergarten, 1988-89.
Shown are three photos with a total of 39 students plus their teachers, Mrs. Bujold and
Mrs. Doyle.
Surnames: Angus, Armstrong, Beyak, Bryk, Carpenter, Curtis, Ehelebe, Gagne, Giardino, Girouard, Glover, Goodwin, Gouliquer,
Hoggarth, Howson, Jewett, Lind, Lindsay, Luptak, Lyons, McGowan, Morelli, Morin, Niro, Nolan, O'Flaherty, Paul, Poelman,
Rasinaho, Rousseau, Sabean, Sanders, Stanley, Stromberg, Stus, Sus, Thivierge, Warren, Webber.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 1, 1988-89.
Shown are 21 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Bang.Three students are unidentified.
Surnames so far: Braun, Bulbak, Caron, Connolly, Cunningham, Dube, Fernette, Green, Gushulak, James, Labelle, Leather, Nault,
O'Brien, Patterson, St. Pierre, Triskle, Veran.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grades 1 & 2, 1988-89.
Shown are 20 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Leather.
Surnames: Boyda, Bujold, Clark, Covello, Cunningham, Gascoigne, Giardino, Halasz, Haney, Kitchen, Labonte,
McIntosh, Monaco, O'Beirn, Plouffe, Roussy, Simard, Stanley, Stromberg, Thivierge.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 2, 1988-89.
Shown are 19 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Morrison.
Surnames: Armstong, Burns, Couch, Curtis, Docking, Fogg, Gillies, Gouliquer, Herr, Johnson, Labonte,
Maki, Nault, Sanders, Simard, Triskle, Warren, Webber.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grades 3, 3/4 & 4, 1988-89.
Shown are three photos with a total of 67 students plus their teachers,
Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Gouliquer, and Mrs. Lychek.
Surnames: Alexander, Anderson, Antolovich, Armstrong, Asselin, Bell, Belley, Bernatchez, Botham, Brouilette, Bujold, Burns,
Chapeski, Clement, Connolly, Cross, Czepky, Dickson, Doran, Dube, Duhamel, Everett, Fogg, Gascoigne, George, Geurts,
Girouard, Goodwin, Gordon, Gouliquer, Gushulak, Haney, Happy, Herbert, Hogan, Huntley, James, Kimberley,
Lee, Lind, Lyons, Marinaro, Martin, Marusyk, Miller, Monaco, Morelli, O'Flaherty, Ouellet, Plouffe, Quinn,
Sinclair, Sitch, Sus, Towle, Urbanowicz, Ward, Wright, Zen.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 5, 1988-89.
Shown are 28 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Girard.One student is unidentified.
Surnames so far: Anderson, Antolovich, Bruyere, Canuel, Covello, Curtis, David, Fisk, Frenette, Geurts, Gillies, Girouard, Gordon,
Haney, Huntley, Johnson, Lafond, Martel, Marusyk, McCarthy, O'Beirn, Patzel, Plouffe, Spilchuk, Veran, Walker, Wright.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 6, 1988-89.
Shown are 30 students plus their teacher, Mr. Balla.
Surnames: Albert, Bang, Bednarski, Bell, Bottos, Clark, Couch, Cross, Dubois, Duhamel, Dupuis, Durand, Fisk, Frenette,
George, Gouliquer, Gurney, Hogan, Kitchen, Larson, Lind, Maccadanza, Machura, Marquardt, Morin,
Nephin-Robbins, O'Beirn, Pelletier, Steele.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 7, 1988-89.
Shown are two photos with a total of 35 students plus their teachers,
Mr. Durand and Mr. Roberts.
Surnames: Auger, Bailey, Bartsch, Bottos, Brasseur, Brown, Chabot, Dickson, Doran, Doyle, Duhamel, Gillies, Gordon,
Haney, Hensrud, Johnson, Lafond, Larose, Leather, Lee, Martin, Mattson, Nephin, Olson, Plouffe, Schram,
Thomas, Thorson, Vinet, Ward.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 8, 1988-89.
Shown are 26 students plus their teacher, Mr. Jarvis.
Surnames: Asselin, Bang, Bednarski, Belanger, Bell, Bernatchez, Bruyere, Caron, Connolly, Curtis, David, Dube,
Everett, Frenette, Girard, Gouliquer, James, Jarvis, Kitchen, McCarthy, McCormack, O'Flaherty, Ouellet,
Payne, Stevenson, Tremblay.
Saturn Avenue School, Grade 2, 1988-89.
Shown are two photos with a total of 35 students plus their teachers,
Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Rechlin.One student is unidentified.
Surnames so far: Alexander, Anderson, Armstrong, Baxter, Busch-Larson, Caouette, Chambers, Clapp,
Enge, Gagne, Goodman, Groulx, Gurnett, Hagen, Happy, Holborn, Hopper, Hosick, Kaus, Labonte, MacDonald, Mattson, Myrberg,
Pfeifer, Roy, Sanden, Schram, Smith, Strom, Taylor, Wood, Zacharias.
Saturn Avenue School, Grade 3, 1988-89.
Shown are two photos with a total of 42 students plus their teachers,
Miss Fraser and Mrs. Livicker.
Surnames: Alexander, Bain, Barnard, Baxter, Bjorkman, Chambers, Chumway-Kehler, Clark, Collins,
Dennis, Dolph, Ehelebe, Fairservice, Galbraith, Greig, Gushulak, Johnson, Kivari, Latell, Leduchowski, Leochko, Lindsay,
Livicker, MacDonald, Mattson, McMahon, McQuaker, Mosley, Paulette, Penner, Poirier, Repo, Skinner, Stimson, Vollans,
Westby, Whalley, White, Wright, Zacharias.
Saturn Avenue School, Grades 4 & 5, 1988-89.
Shown are 21 students plus their teachers, Miss Calvert and Mrs. Willett.
Surnames: Barry, Bates, Baxter, Bjorkman, Brown, Cripps, Fraser, Hagen, Hawkins, Johnson,
Kerr, Kivari, Kroocmo, Livicker, MacKay, Main, McLeod, Shields, Tattrie, Taylor,
Van Dusen.
Saturn Avenue School, Grade 5, 1988-89.
Shown are 27 students plus their teacher, Mr. Brown.
Surnames: Bain, Baxter, Brouwer, Cunningham, Florek, Gallinger, Gouliquer, Grumm, Gushulak,
Hanlon, Happy, Hart, Homer, Johnson, Landry, Learning, Mattson, Migalski, Peden, Pelletier, Rechlin, Richard,
Schram, Sinclair, Stewart, Westby, White.
Saturn Avenue School, Grade 4, 5, & 6 Enrichment, 1988-89.
Shown are 18 students plus their teacher, Miss Calvert.
Surnames: Barry, Baxter, Brown, Collins, Kerr, Kivari, Leduchowski, Lewis, Lindsay, Livicker,
MacDonald, Mosley, Nash, Repo, Shields, Taylor, Van Dusen.
Saturn Avenue School, Grade 6, 1988-89.
Shown are 29 students plus their teacher, Mr. Livicker.
Surnames: Ashbee, Bailey, Baxter, Chambers, Chasty, Chester, Collins, Demchuk, Dolph, Floyd, Krukoski,
Lafreniere, Leduchowski, Lewis, Lindsay, MacDonald, McMahon, Migalski, Mosley, Nash, Repo, Rissman,
Sherb, Skrenski, Strom, Tattrie, Thorburn, Van Dusen, Wood.