Atikokan Ontario : High School Yearbook Portraits, 1989-90 : Grade 9(F).

Home Room Teacher was Mr. Tom Viegandt.

One photo is missing.

Stuart Boshkaykin photo is missing, Atikokan High School, Grade 9f, 1989-90

Stuart Boshkaykin

Lisa Gallinger, Atikokan High School, Grade 9f, 1989-90

Lisa Gallinger

Bryan Komaransky, Atikokan High School, Grade 9f, 1989-90

Bryan Komaransky

Paul Noble, Atikokan High School, Grade 9f, 1989-90

Paul Noble

Geoff Pointer, Atikokan High School, Grade 9f, 1989-90

Geoff Pointer

Terry Potson, Atikokan High School, Grade 9f, 1989-90

Terry Potson

Thanks to for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.

Can you provide the missing photo, corrections or comments?