Grade 2, 1998-99. Teachers are Mrs. Kristy Duquette and Mrs. Theresa Gustafson.
Back Row, L - R:
Nicole Stradiotto,
Leah Wright,
Mathew Wensley.
3rd Row, L - R:
Joanna Navarra,
Taylor Desserre,
Michael Strom,
Teri Cain.
2nd Row, L - R:
Melissa Riding,
Kelsey Kempf,
Derek Treige,
Michael Karlson,
Noah Tuusa,
Mrs. Kristy Duquette.
Front Row, L - R:
Joshua Mosbeck,
Jaclyn Rollins,
Stevin Bessette,
Amanda Beauregard,
Kelsey Weir,
Mrs. Theresa Gustafson.
Mackenzie Cox.
Many thanks to
for this photo.