Grade 7, 2000-01. Teacher is Miss Maria Buragina.
Back Row, L - R:
Nigel Lusignan,
Robert Potts,
Jamie Campagnolo,
Tyler Williams,
Kaila Soderstrom,
Lindsay Kerr.
Middle Row, L - R:
Miss Maria Buragina,
Jerimiah Hubert,
Callahan Gosselin,
Ashley Fournel,
Chylo Peacosh,
Anne-Marie Morden,
Miriah Oswald.
Front Row, L - R:
Thomas Mullner,
Kevin Rusnick,
Jason Fogg,
Michelle Paquette,
Chelsey Smitsnuk,
Adam Cain,
Kelsey Zacharias,
Kyle Girard.
Do you have a photo of the other Grade 7 class from this year? Please contact if you have one we can use.
Many thanks to for this photo.
Can you provide corrections or comments?