Two photos are missing: Robert Donohue, and Hilary George.
Cassie Armstrong
Stacey Baxter
Joey Bednarski
Rod Benjamin Jr
Ruth Bjorkman
Bill Blanchard
Jordan Boileau
Jared Botel
Jennifer Brooks
Graham Busch
Will Busch
Bryan Cain
Krystal Cain
Ashley Clement
Shantelle Connor
Carolyn Danco
Ashley Desaulniers
Robert Donohue
Terri Donohue
Brent Dyhm
Adam Fraser
John Fraser
Kisani Frechette
Hilary George
Kristie Gillies
Caleb Green
Brandi Grennier
Corey Hachey
Laura Hamrak
Keith Henderson
Thanks to for these photos compiled from the Atikokan High School yearbook.
Can you provide a missing photo, corrections or comments?