Junior High School Yearbook Portraits, Grade 8(I-Z), 2002-03.
Shown are 19 students, but one more is missing.
Surnames of students shown: Jackson, Jensen, Johnson, Kielczewski, Kostynuk, Kwasnicia, Masson, Matichuk, McDonell, Mullner, Myrberg,
Nelson, Robinson, Smith, Stus, Thomson, Wensley.
High School Yearbook Portraits, Grade 11(Ho-Z),2002-03.
Shown are 25 students, but three more are missing.
Surnames of students shown: Howson, Ivall, Johnson, Kwasnicia, Lafreniere, Lewis, Lind, Luptak, Manns, Matichuk, Melanson, Modeland,
Nelson, Niro, Poirier-Cornell, Poulin, Prokopchuk, Robinson, Roehrig, Rusnick, Sawdo, Shears, St. Pierre, Strom, Thomas.
High School Yearbook Portraits, Grade 12,2002-03.
Shown are 45 students, but two more are missing.
Surnames of students shown: Alexander, Anthony, Armstrong, Barnard, Barrett, Bates, Boyda, Braun, Brewster, Brown,
Cain, Carlson, Clark, Clement, Darrah, Dyck, Faykes, Gouliquer, Halasz, Hart, Herr, Jensson, Johnson, Knowles, Kroocmo, Lavallee, Livicker, Lusignan,
Manns, Martin, Maynard, McAndrew, McEvoy, McMillan, Morelli, Neagle, Sinclair, Smitsnuk, Thomas, Tribe, Ward, Wilcox, Wilson.
High School Yearbook Portraits, Grade 12Grads(A-Hal),2002-03.
Shown are 17 students, but two more are missing. Ontario Scholars are shown with (O.S.) after their name.
Surnames of students shown: Alexander, Anthony, Armstrong, Barnard, Barrett, Boyda, Braun, Brewster, Brown,
Carlson, Clark, Clement, Dyck, Faykes, Frenette, Gouliquer, Halasz.
High School Yearbook Portraits, Grade 12Grads(Har-Z),2002-03.
Shown are 16 students, but 13 more are missing. Ontario Scholars are shown with (O.S.) after their name.
Surnames of students shown: Hart, Johnson, Livicker, Manns, Martin, Maynard, McAndrew, McLeod, McMillan, Meilleur, Morelli,
Sinclair, Smitsnuk, Tribe, Wilcox, Wilson.
High School Yearbook Portraits, Grade 13
Class & Grads, 2002-03.
Shown are 16 students. Ontario Scholars are shown with (O.S.) after their name.
Surnames of students: Armstrong, Baxter, Braun, Bryk, Dyhm, Ehelebe, Groulx,
Howson, Lewis, Luptak, Manns, Matichuk, Niro, O'Flaherty, Poelman.
North Star School, Junior Kindergarten, 2002-2003.
Shown are 16 students plus their teacher, Miss Fawn Kerr.
Surnames: Cain, Dunnet, Fredrickson, Johnson, King, Legaree, Mattson, Mercer, Nadeau,
Paquette, Paulson, Poirier, Skillings, Svienson, Waite, Windego.
North Star School, Senior Kindergarten, 2002-2003.
Shown are 22 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Chrissy Evans-Duquette, and education assistant, Miss Kristy Ellis.
Surnames: Anderson, Colvin, Coulson, Ferguson, Fredrickson, Gage, Galbraith, Gosselin, Gushulak, Hayes, Johnson,
King, Lacasse, Lavallee, Lyght, Mills, Mullner, Stevenson, Thurier, Warren, Young.
North Star School, Grade 1, 2002-2003.
Shown are 14 students plus their teacher, Miss Diane Cross, and education assistant, Mrs. Darlene Cox.
Surnames: Belanger, Bjorkman, Blair, Bodnarchuk, Brown, Comins, Coulter, Desgroseilliers, Fraser,
Gannon, Gushulak, Mainville, Nadeau, Riding.
North Star School, Grade 2, 2002-2003.
Shown are 19 students plus their teacher, Miss Crystal Hershey, and education assistant, Mrs. Lynn Lessard.
Surnames: Campbell, Darrah, Fairfield-Checko, Farmer, Galbraith, Hayes, Johnson, Kennedy, King,
Lavallee, LeSage, Lesnick, Matichuk, Riding, Sanders, Steele, Svienson, Treige, Warren.
North Star School, Grade 3, 2002-2003.
Shown are 26 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Shannon Richard.
Surnames: Cain, Coulson, Darrah, Duquette, Farmer, Gage, Gagne, Johnson, Kostynuk, Mainville, Matichuk, Medicine, Menson, Morrissette,
North, Paulson, Pryor, Reilly, Schedlosky, Spoon, Strom, Thurier, Veran, Wiens, Willis.
North Star School, Grade 4, 2002-2003.
Shown are 25 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Alverne Dickson.
Surnames: Anderson, Bodnarchuk, Botel, Caouette, Carlson, Cook, Cox, Degagne, Desserre, Fairfield-Checko, Foy,
Hall, Hampshire, Kostynuk, Medicine, Newman, Paquette, Peacosh, Sampson, Sanders, Strom, Stus, Tribe, Wiens, Wright.
North Star School, Grade 5, 2002-2003.
Shown are 20 students plus their teacher, Mr. David Livicker.
Surnames: Anderson, Belanger, Caouette, Clairmont, Clark, Coulson, Coutts, Eady, Gosselin, Groulx,
Johnson, Kraft, Lesnick, Lyght, MacQuarrie, Matichuk, Mercer, Rusnick, Sampson, Smith.
North Star School, Grade 6, 2002-2003.
Shown are 23 students plus their teacher, Miss Tanya Kroocmo, and education assistant, Mrs. Linda Manns.
Five more students are missing:
Surnames of students shown: Anderson, Beauregard, Bessette, Blanchard, Brueggeman, Burton, Cain, Coulson, Cox, Desserre, Hart, Jackson, Jensen,
Karlson, Kempf, Mosbeck, Reilly, Sampson, Strom, Treige, Wensley, Wright.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Junior Kindergarten, 2002-03.
Shown are 24 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Karen Clement, and education assistant,
Mrs. Maureen Curtis.
Surnames: Anthony, Arif, Belanger, Charbonneau, Cornell, Goodman, Goranson, Gushulak, Hensrud, Jaculak, Jagger,
Kaus, Kitsch, Krassey, Larson, Manford, Paquette, Ricci, Selman, Slater, Stewart, Tremblay, Williams.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Senior Kindergarten, 2002-03.
Shown are 24 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Lila Bujold, and education assistant,
Mrs. Linda Sinclair.
Surnames: Alexander, Anderson, Arnone, Barr, Bilodeau, Charbonneau, Costello, Coulson, Foy, Fraser, Glocke, Goodman, Gouliquer,
Hansson, Homer, Ivall, Kitchen, Miles, Palmai, Sampson, Van Doorne, Ward, Warren.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 1, 2002-03.
Shown are 19 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Margaret Leather.
Surnames: Anthony, Beauregard, Belanger, Chambers, Colvin, Cornell, Doran, Galusha, Johnson, Ladouceur, Leblanc,
Matichuk, McMullen, Sanders, Stewart, Tremblay, Zygmunt.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 2, 2002-03.
Shown are 26 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Gail Gouliquer, and education assistant,
Mr. Dwayne Tozer.
Surnames: Alexander, Andrews, Bailey, Beyak, Coulson, Cunningham, Ferguson, Foy, Fraser, Goranson, Gosselin,
Kaus, Kerr, Labossiere, Larson, Le, Mallard, O'Flaherty, Sanders, Slater, Stewart, Veran.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 3, 2002-03.
Shown are 21 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Marilyn Brown, and education assistants,
Mrs. Marianne Caldwell, and Mrs. Candace Lee.
Surnames: Adair, Armstrong, Barr, Beauregard, Costa, Davidson, DeCorte, Homer, Jordan, Kozar, Kozlowski,
Ladouceur, Leblanc, Lemieux, Manford, McEvoy-Poelman, McLeod, Mitchell, Phillips, Richard, Stewart.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 4, 2002-03.
Shown are 17 students plus their teacher, Mr. Jim Desaulniers.
Surnames: Anderson, Bailey, Bayliss, Beyak, Clement, Gosselin, Johnson, Kerr, Luptak, Maki, Miles, Mychasiw,
O'Flaherty, Shears, Slater, Van Doorne.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 5, 2002-03.
Shown are 23 students plus their teacher, Mr. Doug Ribey, but another teacher, Miss Patricia Roy, is missing.
Surnames: Alexander, Bilodeau, Caldwell, Chambers, Costa, Cunningham, Decorte, Desaulniers, Durand, Emmons,
Hrynuk, Jordan, Kozlowski, Marlowe, Masson, Necan, Pailing, Poirier, Savoie, Skippen, Sorensen, Thorson, Zygmunt.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 6, 2002-03.
Shown are 20 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Donna MacNeil.
Surnames: Botel, Busch, Desgroseilliers, Ferguson, Fulton, Gillies, Halasz, Kora,
Lange, Le, MacLeod, Meilleur, Miller, Mitchell, Parker, Perlette, Stewart, Thomas, Warren.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 7, 2002-03.
Shown are 18 students plus their teacher, Mrs. Bernadette Danco, and education assistant,
Mrs. Lorraine Miller.
Surnames: Adair, Anderson, Chambers, Decorte, Desaulniers, Geurts, Hanlon, James,
Larocque, Lewis, Lindsay, Luptak, Morrison, Poirier-Cornell, Savoie, Smith, St. Pierre, White.
St. Patrick's Separate School, Grade 8, 2002-03.
Shown are 25 students plus their teacher, Mr. Guy Durand, and education assistants,
Mrs. Carolyn Anderson, and Mrs. Roseanne Horricks. One student is missing.
Surnames of students shown: Anderson, Bessette, Clement, Connor, DeGagne, Desgroseilliers, Dyck, Faykes, Foy, Fulton, James, Kora,
MacLeod, Maki, Manford, McLeod, Meilleur, Peacosh, St. Pierre, Stewart, Tomiczek, Warren, Wilcox.