Atikokan Ontario : Teen Town Beauty Contest, 1956.

Atikokan Ontario : Teen Town Beauty Contest.

Left to Right: Ingrid Knutsen, Reeve J.A. "Sandy" Johnston, Shirley Paiemont (parially hidden), Joan Dickison, Candia Thew, Audrey Stay, Maxine Scales.
Seated is Gail Youngberg being crowned as the first Miss Teen Queen of Atikokan.

Atikokan Progress, April 26, 1956 -- Teen Beat

By Verlie Henderson

Gail Youngberg is Teen Queen of Teen Town. As you know Teen Town featured a beauty contest on Saturday, with Dane MacCarthy as master of ceremonies. There were seven entries: Ingrid Knutsen, Gail Youngberg, Audry Stay, Shirley Paiement, Maxine Scales, Joan Dickison, and Candia Thew.

These girls appeared on stage first in school clothes, second in bathing suits, and lastly in formals. Each contestant was judged, not only for her beauty but also, for relative physical proportions (no measurements were given), the condition and quality of her hair, condition of her skin, amount of make-up and shape of her face, her poise, self-confidence and manner of walking; posture, and her personality was based on a short speech given by each girl.

There were five judges; Mr. And Mrs. Wilkins and Mr. and Mrs. Andrecheck, and Reeve J.A. Johnston. Our reeve, Mr. Johnston, placed the crown on the head of the first Teen Queen of Atikokan.

During the girls changes we were entertained by four other "beauties" -- Pat Reid as Tootsy, Don Henderson as Miss Hawaii, Pete Beyak as Mimi of France, and Clair Pressey as Miss Sapawe of 1966. These contestants appeared first in "school clothes", second in "bathing suits," and lastly in "formal attire" (collars and ties). In Clair's speech he asked Reeve Johnston to "Come up and see me sometime."

The Teen Towners were able to take part in a Bunny Hop (seldom seen) and also the Congo line that popped up during the evening. This Congo Line, led by Marlene Brown was done to the rhythm of 1,2,3, kick. Though this was the first time for such a thing, the teeners really gave it a tryout. As I hear, it was picked up at the Fort Frances Youth Rally.

Due to the amount of time taken by the Beauty Contest the Square Dancing Group didn't hold their demonstration.

There will be no Teen Town on April 28 because of the Little Theatre Group. But Teen town will be held on the following week, May 5.

Atikokan Ontario : Teen Town Beauty Contest.

Left to Right: Clair Pressey, Peter Beyak, Don Henderson, Pat Reid, with Cliff McIntosh in the background.

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